
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Parks, parks, and more parks.

The past few days have been a great adventure for Sophie and me... Let me break it down for you.
     Textbooks. Need I say more? 
     Yes, I purchased my books for school and am still surprised how much they cost! I better learn something amazing out of these things! 
     This day felt like spring. I really think it was about 60-65 degrees. Sophie and I ran to the park to play. She is such a curious, peppy little dog. She walks like a model on a runway. Only, she's a dog. Not a human model. haha. And she appears to have this confidence in her I wish I could have with me all the time. 
I have come to the conclusion if she was let off her leash she would sniff every single tree in the park. At first I wondered why she ran straight to the trees and nothing else. Yeah, I know dogs 'mark their territory' and such, but it seemed like Sophie was after something different. All of a sudden, she went on point and was staring straight to the sky...

I should have known it, considering she's a terrier! 

If I had to describe Friday in one word, it would be creativity. Out of no where my mind was imagining all these things and I just had to draw/color them. So, I did. And I enjoyed it :]

Saturday was very overcast and rainy. My favorite kind of days. Took Soph and my Nikon (who I feel needs a name, but can't seem to come up with one- got any ideas?) to the park again. Didn't get any amazing photos but it's always fun to goof around. The creativity continued stirring around my thoughts so I bought some colored pencils and plain white paper then headed home to get started :] I stayed up till 2 in the a.m. drawing and coloring pictures. And I love them. It's kinda silly- stuff you might find doodled on my notebooks from high school. But like I said, I love them. And I have a new obsession for taking pictures of trees. 

Got some cleaning done, that always feels nice.
     Yet again, took Sophie to the park. I feel that I need to as much as I can before classes start. After that, hit up the car wash! It was the kind that you drive through and the huge brushes and sponges wash it for you- the nice, convenient kind :] Apparently it was Sophie's first time through a car wash because it scared the living crap out of her. It was hilarious! I know I shouldn't laugh but I couldn't help myself. At first she was intrigued then the funny noises came about and she got this look on her face like, "Don't eat meeee!!" hahaha. I still laugh out loud thinking of it. 
     For some odd reason I'm feeling tired. I rented Julie and Julia so I think I'll watch that now. 

"If the sea should swallow up my house
I will turn my rooftop inside out
and the wind will be wailing
But I will be sailing faster .."
-A Fine Frenzy

1 comment:

  1. I was showing my fiance some of the pictures you've taken and he goes: "WHOA! SHE IS GOOD!" Um, yeah honey. That's what I told you.

    Ha ha.
    Love you Sid.
